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Fully assembled full metal hotend optimized, which ensure the highest quality standards, providing a smooth and reliable extrusion under different printing environments.
Fully assembled full metal hotend optimized, which ensure the highest quality standards, providing a smooth and reliable extrusion under different printing environments.
Small nozzles are ideal for detailed models. Instead, big nozzles allow to fabricate more resistant parts or for rapid prints. Visit our Support page to learn how to change the hotend.
How to choose the right hotend?
The size of the hotend used has direct effects, not only on the printing speed and the printed detail, but also on the strength of the 3D printed part. That’s why choosing the right hotend size for each application is crucial in order to fabricate high quality parts within the shortest possible time.
Fully assembled full metal hotend optimized, which ensure the highest quality standards, providing a smooth and reliable extrusion under different printing environments.
Fully assembled full metal hotend optimized, which ensure the highest quality standards, providing a smooth and reliable extrusion under different printing environments.
Fully assembled full metal hotend optimized, which ensure the highest quality standards, providing a smooth and reliable extrusion under different printing environments.
Ultimaker Tough PLA Il Tough PLA Ultimaker è un PLA (acido polilattico) tecnico con una durezza simile all'ABS. Ideale per stampare prototipi funzionali e utensili di grandi dimensioni, il Tough PLA offre la stessa sicurezza e semplicità d'uso di un normale PLA.
Borosilicate glasses are known for having very low coefficients of thermal expansion, making them resistant to thermal shock, more so than any other common glass.
Compatible with Epsilon W50, Epsilon W27 and Sigma D25.
Borosilicate glasses are known for having very low coefficients of thermal expansion, making them resistant to thermal shock, more so than any other common glass.
Fully assembled full metal hotend optimized, which ensure the highest quality standards, providing a smooth and reliable extrusion under different printing environments.
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