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With a good thermal stability, Ultimaker PVA is ideal for printing complex models that require supports for large overhangs, deep internal cavities, and intricate geometries. Designed for a seamless 3D printing experience, our PVA provides good adhesion to both PLA and Nylon.
Reasons to choose Ultimaker PVA - Good thermal stability resulting in better degradation resistance compared to other PVA filaments - Less moisture sensitive than other PVA filaments - Great adhesion to both PLA and Nylon - Safe dissolution in tap water (no harmful chemicals required) - Biodegradable with no hazardous by-products
Dual extrusion info PVA allows to effortlessly create complex 3D prints by building water soluble support structures. 1. Submerge: Put your 3D print in cold or warm water depending on the build material. 2. Rinse: After PVA supports are dissolved, rinse the 3D print to remove any excess PVA solution. 3. Dry: Let the 3D print dry and apply additional post processing to the build material if necessary.
Ultimaker PVA and Ultimaker 3/S5 As a water soluble support material, Ultimaker PVA empowers engineers and designers to create highly detailed surfaces and complex moving mechanical parts in just one run. Coupled with the right build materials and our proven material profiles in Ultimaker Cura for Ultimaker 3 and Ultimaker S5, our PVA opens up a whole new world of opportunities for intricate designs and versatile applications.
Con il filamento in PC (policarbonato) Ultimaker, è possibile stampare parti dure e resistenti che mantengono una stabilità dimensionale anche a temperature fino a 110 °C.
Ultimaker Nylon Usato dai produttori in tutto il mondo, il Nylon (poliammide) è noto per la sua incredibile durabilità, l'elevato rapporto peso-resistenza, la flessibilità, il basso attrito, e la resistenza a corrosione.
Ultimaker TPU 95A Molto versatile per le applicazioni industriali, il filamento TPU 95A (poliuretano termoplastico) è un'ottima scelta per una vasta gamma di progetti che richiedono le qualità sia della gomma che della plastica.
Ultimaker PP offers excellent temperature, chemical, and fatigue resistance. Its toughness and low friction make it a perfect choice for prototyping and creating durable end-use models.
Ultimaker Breakaway Ultimaker Breakaway is a support material for multi-extrusion 3D printing. Breakaway support is quick to remove and does not need further post-processing for a smooth finish on your 3D print.
Ultimaker Tough PLA Il Tough PLA Ultimaker è un PLA (acido polilattico) tecnico con una durezza simile all'ABS. Ideale per stampare prototipi funzionali e utensili di grandi dimensioni, il Tough PLA offre la stessa sicurezza e semplicità d'uso di un normale PLA.
UltiMaker PET CF (Stampanti 3D UltiMaker serie S) UltiMaker PET CF è un materiale composito molto più facile da stampare rispetto ad altri materiali a base di fibra di carbonio, pur mantenendo eccellenti proprietà prestazionali.
Ultimaker 3/S5 Print Core Print core AA (Build core)
Professional 3D printing just got more accessible. Maximize the print performance and machine uptime with our swappable, material-matching print cores. Make the most out of reliable build and support material combinations for geometric freedom or print in dual color.
Professional 3D printing just got more accessible. Maximize the print performance and machine uptime with our swappable, material-matching print cores. Make the most out of reliable build and support material combinations for geometric freedom or print in dual color.