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The Photocentric Wash units are an industrial solution to washing your printed parts of all sizes, use in collaboration with Photocentric Cleaner to leave the perfect finish.
Compatible with Liquid Crystal Precision, Precision 1.5, HR and HR2
Accurate, high resolution models especially for dental work can be created using Dental Model resin. Ideal for Orthodontic, study, and working models and created in collaboration with Dental Technologists to ensure optimal colour, feel and working characteristics.
LC Precision Metal Vat The new LC Precision metal vat has been designed as an alternative to the existing disposable vat to make the re-skinning process easier and cheaper, whilst also achieving the perfect film tension every time.
With the newly designed HR2 vat it has an increased print success rate. No need to spend time undoing bolts on vat, as the price is economical, you have a choice to either simply buy a new vat or to reskin the vat when needed.
Compatible with Liquid Crystal HR and Liquid Crystal HR2
Glass-like prints with a crisp finish are obtained when using Our Hard 3D Resin. Prints will retain their shape under stretch and compression whilst displaying a high stiffness and high hardness. When using Our Hard Resin you will 3D print objects that behave like commercial ABS.
Nessuna recensione per il momento.