PROMOZIONI attive Filamenti KIMYA e Fabbrix | Bambu Lab X1E Bundle | Stampanti 3D UltiMaker
Active PROMOTIONS KIMYA and Fabbrix Filaments | Bambu Lab X1E Bundle | UltiMaker 3D printers
PROMOCIONES activas Filamentos KIMYA y Fabbrix | Bambu Lab X1E Bundle | Impresoras 3D UltiMaker
PROMOTIONS actives Filaments KIMYA et Fabbrix | Bambu Lab X1E Bundle | Imprimantes 3D UltiMaker
Aktive WERBEAKTIONEN KIMYA und Fabbrix Filamente | Bambu Lab X1E Bundle | UltiMaker 3D-Drucker
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Compatible with Liquid Crystal Precision and Precision 1.5
Ideal for the creation of high resolution silicone rubber moulds, we have Mould resin. Parts can withstand the temperatures (up to 180°C) and pressure required for vulcanisation. Along with this the parts show great strength, smooth surfaces, and highly accurate prints.
Compatible with Liquid Crystal Precision and Precision 1.5
Bring your jewellery and model figurines to life with Concept. Print perfect jewellery prototypes or detailed figurines with high strength, durability, and most importantly high accuracy with finished smooth surfaces.
Compatible with Liquid Crystal Precision and Precision 1.5
Looking to print things to wear or get younger people more engaged with 3D printing? Our skin safe resin is the way forward. Specially created to ensure that the liquid components do not cause irritation to skin. Solid parts will be rigid, whilst thinner allowing some degree of manipulation before breaking. Ideal for the education market.
Compatible with Liquid Crystal Precision, Precision 1.5, HR and HR2
Accurate, high resolution models especially for dental work can be created using Dental Model resin.
Ideal for Orthodontic, study, and working models and created in collaboration with Dental Technologists to ensure optimal colour, feel and working characteristics.
Compatible with Liquid Crystal Precision and Precision 1.5
Easy to paint with a smooth finish prints, are readily attainable using our Precision Model resin. Developed for producing highly detailed prints, low visibility of layer lines and with an ultimate dry touch and smooth finish allows users to easily paint any piece.