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Kimya ABS-S Filament The 3D filament Kimya ABS-S belongs to the styrenic polymer family. Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) is a thermoplastic polymer offering high impact resistance and is relatively rigid and lightweight.
PETG-S 3D Filament The 3D filament Kimya PETG-S is produced via copolymerization with PET. Polyethylene terephtalate glycol (PETG) is a saturated polyester polymer.
This high performance elastomeric TPC (TPEE or TPE-E) filament shows high flexibility, wear resistance and it is ideal for vibration reduction applications.
Filaflex Foamy is a flexible TPU filament that uses dynamic foaming technology to print lightweight elastic parts with reduced weight and density, which allows for increased performance and productivity of the filament spool.